Doing My Part

This is the most personal project I have ever worked on. Being Ukrainian and having immediate family living and fighting in the war, I am obligated to help however I can. Thus, I created this animated sequence for sale to independent news outlets and YouTube channels that want to spread the message. It is meant to be used in more detailed, informative videos with the customers’ own call-to-action messages. All proceeds go to the Canada-Ukraine Foundation. Feel free to donate if you are so inclined.


A sample video showcasing my branding under Hathor (previously Shabbily Dapper) SP, my own sole proprietorship. Further branding can be found below.


Official announcement of the 2020 TEDxUofT Emerge conference. I animated and edited the video, and even filmed some clips.

Bite-Sized Work

A couple of stings for different clients for social media advertising purposes. Designed and animated by me.


Various Illustrations